I love shopping!
Let's have a tea party.
Which food do you like best?
Let's dance!
Party dresses are fun!
I'll always be here to help you!
Do you have a crush on anyone?
Wanna have a pizza party?
You're my best friend!
Meet me at the mall!
Will we ever have enough clothes?
Let's take a dance class!
I'm studying to be a doctor!
Who will you invite to the picnic?
Our team won a game
Help me pick a party dress!
You're fun to dance with.
Let's celebrate!
Let's try on dresses!
My horse is a show jumper!
I love to visit new places!
Teaching kids is great!
School friends are the best!
I love to dance!
Let's have a campfire!
We could take a Hawaiian vacation!
Wouldn't you love to be a lifeguard?
Let's plan our dream wedding!
Want to go shopping?
Let's sing with the band tonight.
I love school. Don't you?
You look great!
Let's have a beach party!
Don't be late for school.
Math class is tough!